Posted on May 12, 2014 in High Peak Newsletters · Hunting Equipment & Tips · Hunting Stories · New Zealand

The 2014 High Peak Season continues full steam ahead. We have taken some great trophies throughout the Roar, which is now largely over. While there a few old warriors are still out there waking up the neighbours with their war cries, most stags are now starting to move back into bachelor groups and head to where the grass is sweet to raise energy stores prior to winter.

May also means that the Tahr, Chamois and Fallow are in mid-rut. The Fallow bucks are croaking away on frosty mornings like some crazy hybrid of a bullfrog and a giant boar, while the tahr and chamois males tear around in the fresh snow looking for nannies. In all – a great time to be out amongst the High Peak wilderness.

In this newsletter you’ll find a limited offer for 2015, some photos from April’s hunts and a write-up on High Peak in the Hunting Report.

Treat Your Spouse! Limited Offer for 2015.

Bring your spouse or significant other on anyRewards of the Roar, the Highland Hunt or Rakaia Premium Pursuit hunt with High Peak next year and not only will their stay be free of charge, but we will also add a complimentary scenic helicopter flight with a landing high in the Southern Alps, gourmet BBQ and a bottle of champagne or tipple of your choice to celebrate your hunt together.

Availability is strictly limited to the first 5 couples and the offer will expire on June 30 2014, whichever comes first. So, if you’ve been waiting for that opportunity to hunt and create some amazing memories together, now’s the time to make an enquiry.

April’s Photos – Stags, Tahr and a 10-inch Chamois!

Bob Schroeder and guide Stu Marr with an true monster of a Red Stag – great balance and character, kickers out each side and tynes long enough to hang a top hat on.

Mike Liddicoat and his Red Stag – a thick-antlered old warrior with a remarkable split bez tyne on his left-hand side.

Greg Turjan Snr with his Red Stag – taken right on dusk at 2800 feet, sporting a drop tyne on his left antler and very old (for a stag).

Greg Turjan Jnr and his father with his Red Stag – massive, wide, long and rtaken at 45 yards with his bow in inclement weather after 4 hard days of stalking.

Greg Turjan Snr and Greg Turjan Jnr with their trophy Tahr and Chamois taken deep in the Alps – the former having a stunning cape and the latter sporting incredible 10-inch horns.

Courtney Moskios and her Red Stag – a fine representative 14-pointer  that had evaded the hunters for an estimated 9 years, taken finally with a .270 from 160 yards.

High Peak in the Hunting Report!

The Hunting Report’s New Zealand correspondent Greg Morton visited High Peak in March this year. We spent a day and a night with him discussing High Peak’s direction and what unique aspects we were trying to bring to the New Zealand hunting landscape.

Needless to say, we think he was impressed! Find out what Greg had to say about High Peak by reading the full Hunting Report article. READ MORE.

(To see the article on the Hunting Report website, click here).

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