High Peak Hunting News For November 2013
Welcome to the High Peak Newsletter for November 2013. Firstly, I owe you all an apology for what can only be described as ‘radio silence’ for the past couple of seasons while we have been setting up High Peak’s new direction. We’re now well on our way down this path and we wish to share with you what has been happening at High Peak. Arriving in your inbox no more than once a month, we will send you a newsletter that will contain news, updates, tips, offers and of course, the occasional hunting story. The bottom line is – we want to inform, entertain and share our passion for hunting with like-minded people like you. We hope you choose to stay with us on this journey by maintaining your subscription to our newsletter. If you’d rather not, you can simply hit unsubscribe at the base of this email. |
2013 – The Season That Was. The 2013 season is now complete and we had the pleasure of hosting some real characters (like Turk and Crystal, right) on some very rewarding hunts. You can see the spoils of their efforts (and those of past hunters) in our Trophy Gallery. 2014 is shaping up to be an equally special one with most of March, April and some of May booked with hunters set to enjoy sole access to 4500 acres of prime hunting land. |
Our New Website! High Peak has a brand new website. We’re pretty proud of it and think it’s the besthunting website in NZ (but of course we’re always going to say that, right?). If you haven’t yet seen it, please take a look and feel free to send us an email with any comments or suggestions. If you’ve been toHigh Peak, it’s highly likely you’ll find yourself featuring somewhere within the site. |
November’s Blog: Things to consider when visting NZ to hunt. Each month, we will be posting a new entry in the High Peak Blog. Whether it’s information on what’s happing in the NZhunting scene, tips for hunters visiting NZ or our opinion on a specific local or global topic, you’ll have the chance to read and comment on the post. This month, we’re going to start with a very relevant topic for overseas hunters: Things to consider when visiting NZ to hunt (click to read post). |