High Peak Hunting News for February

High Peak Hunting News for February

Posted on April 19, 2014 in High Peak Newsletters

The countdown to the High Peak 2014 season is on! We start hunting in earnest on March 4 and we’ll be pretty busy until late May. After an somewhat schizophrenic January, we have enjoyed some superb weather lately that has really brought on a bloom in the animals.

If you’re still interested in hunting in 2014, we have good availability in May and June when the weather is settled, the days crisp and the animals are out from dawn to dusk. BOOK HERE.

Story of the Month: New Zealand’s Finest Free-Range Tahr Hunt.

Tahr Paradise

Last week, I had the privilege of visiting Lake Heron Station, a 50,000-acre slice of wilderness with what is deemed (by those who know their stuff) to be New Zealand’s finest free-range foot-accessed tahr hunting for hunters with the ability and desire to undertake it.

Hunter access is very limited, but High Peak’s clients have exclusive access to this awesome experience. Find out what makes it so good. READ MORE.

Tip of the Month: What’s the Best Rifle for your New Zealand Hunt?

High Peak, New Zealand

If you’re planning on hunting New Zealand, you’ll probably want to know what tools of the trade you’ll be using.

If you’re the sort of hunter who like to bring their own gear, this short series of tips will give you a run down on what we recommend at High Peak, from calibres to distances to an idea of what the locals use. It should be useful to you. READ MORE.

Stay tuned for some images from the coming season’s hunts – until then, all the best to you and your families from the Guild family and our team at High Peak.


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