Captain Cook Boar
Captain Cook Boar (Sus scrofa) Available year-round.
Named after Captain James Cook, the English explorer who mapped and charted New Zealand in the 1770s, these feral pigs roam freely throughout the New Zealand wilderness.
Feral pigs are in fact smaller than domestics pigs, but with more muscular bodies. Males stand at just under 1000mm and can weigh as much as 45-200kg. Females stand at approximately 600mm in height and can weigh up to 110kg.
Most boars are black in colour, however they can vary from ginger and sandy brown to white and grey. Their tusks extend our from the lower jaw and curve upwards, outwards and backwards and can protrude over 150mm.
The Captain Cook Boar is an incredibly exciting animal to hunt as most hunting is conducted without firearms, due to them hiding in dense cover. Rifles are also often used in more open-country situations. We can guarantee you’ll be talking about a successful boar hunt for years to come.
Fill out our Online Application Form and we will get back to you with some more information and a detailed quote.
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